Saturday, March 31, 2012

Do Boar Bristle Brushes Reverse Hair Loss?

Boar bristle brushes have been long touted as a tool to improve the hair of ones health. In recent times, many are suggesting that this tool is an effective means of treating baldness. One blog that is picking up steam around the web recounts the story of how a woman was able to completely reverse her hair loss with just a boar bristle brush and patience. Does this mean every sufferer of hair loss should start brushing?

Why Would Boar Bristle Brushes Work?

Pure boar bristle brushes are designed to safely brush dry hair. This works because boar bristle is capable of brushing though non-tangled hair with ease without causing damage to the hair or the scalp. The boar bristle itself has a stimulating affect on the hair, the scalp, and follicles. Like a massage, this technique draws blood to the scalp area.

Blood carries nutrients to the scalp that helps hair grow. The theory of boar bristle brushing makes sense. If one stimulates their scalp while drawing nutrients to their follicles, they could conceivable spur a new growth cycle to inactive follicles that have entered a dormant phase.

Boar bristle brushes also distribute the natural oil “sebum” evenly throughout your scalp and hair. While many hold sebum responsible for hair loss, I believe it is only the accumulation of sebum that plays any role. Sebum can be good for your hair when evenly distributed.

Removing sebum completely would only cause the sebaceous glands to produce more of this oil. Boar bristle brushing does a wonderful job at spreading this oil evenly across the hair shaft.

How Long Would It Take To See Regrowth?

The time it would take to see results would vary from person to person. The one aspect that seems clear is that you must be consistent with the technique to see results. I used this technique in combination with many other techniques and got about ninety percent of my hair in a six to eight month period. I can’t say for sure if boar bristle was a major factor in my results.

Should I Start Using Boar Bristle Brushes?

This is a decision ultimately up to you. I first learned the power of using boar bristle years ago from a hair stylist. I bought one and have never stopped using it in my personal hair care maintenance. In my opinion, it is a no-brainer to add a boar bristle brush to your current hair loss approach. The brush is designed to create a better environment for hair to prosper which makes it a valuable hair care tool.

What Type Of Boar Bristle Brush Should I Buy?

While there are many companies who have embraced this theory and are marketing expensive boar bristle brushes, one need not spend hundreds of dollars to add this tool to their hair care regimen.  Cost is not the determining factor; it is the purity of the bristle that matters. Many brushes combine boar bristle with nylon. Avoid these brushes.

What you are looking for is a one-hundred percent pure boar bristle brush. This brush can be had for ten to twenty dollars at any beauty supply store. If you buy a boar bristle brush, it is important to keep it clean so that it will work optimally. I simply fill a cup with hot water and a pump of shampoo.

I then swirl the brush for a minute and let it soak for ten more minutes. I then remove the brush and run my hand down the bristles to ring out excess water. From there, I let the brush dry out for the rest of the day and commence use the next day. I clean the brush once every one to two weeks.

How Often Should I Use A Boar Bristle Brush?

While in the aforementioned blog, a woman claims to have used this technique constantly, I have found that ten to fifteen minute of thorough brushing in the morning and at night will do a lot for your hair. Fortunately, boar bristle brushes were designed to be safe on your hair and scalp, which means you can get away with using this tool frequently without worrying about overdoing the routine,

I use the brush religiously, but it is only one part of the routine I use to keep the hair I have managed to regrown. Don’t underestimate the power of this simple and inexpensive tool. This beautiful instrument will help make your scalp an optimal place for hair regrowth. The brush also feels great on the scalp when in use. Don’t hesitate when thinking about this inexpensive investment in your hair care.

Samuel Reed is a hair loss survivor and the author of Hair Reborn: The Holistic Approach For Natural Hair Regrowth available in print and digital formats on 

Hair Reborn in Digital From Amazon Kindle  

Hair Reborn In Print From Amazon

To learn more about reversing hair loss naturally visit:

Hair Reborn Book Official Website

Hair Loss: What Are My Options

When hair loss strikes, it is a devastating blow to one’s self-confidence and self-perception. Some will choose to be proactive and treat hair loss with prevention and preservation. Other hair loss sufferers may opt to accept or ignore the problem by wearing hats, combing over, and eventually shaving their head. Most hair loss sufferers want to resolve the issue but do not know where to begin.

An Ounce Of Prevention

The earlier you treat your hair loss, the best results you can expect to achieve. In the early stages of hair loss prevention you can do a lot to preserve the remaining hair left on your scalp. Even with the best preventative means, a hair loss sufferer may not be content with the results they achieve. Depending on the stage in which action was taken, a person with the thinning hair may need to take further action to restore their hair.

The Options Of Today

Rogaine and Propecia are the most commonly recommended products to treat and restore hair. These products are expensive but are among a select few hair loss remedies that are approved by the FDA. This by no means is an endorsement of either product, merely the facts of why both products have risen to prominence in the hair loss industry. Results vary with both products and progress will reverse if use is discontinued.

Nioxin and Nizoral are shampoo and conditioning products designed for those experiencing hair thinning. These products were not designed to regrow hair, but they act as a preservation agent by treating DHT in the scalp. A user of Nioxin for instance can expect to stop their hair loss, but should not expect to regrow hair they have lost in the past. This can be a good way to prevent further loss of hair.

A Hair Transplant is the most expensive option ranging between ten and twenty-thousand dollars. This option is a surgical procedure which grafts donor hair from the back of the scalp to areas of the scalp where hair has been completely lost. Success with hair transplants is fairly high, however the potential for follow up visits for corrective surgery can be an additional problematic factor to consider.

The laser comb is a newer development in the hair loss industry. This comb emits low-level lasers onto the scalp to stimulate hair growth. While one particular laser comb has been FDA approved, the results that lead to approval were based on moderate success that did not produce full regrowth. With combs costing between one and five-hundred dollars this option could prove to be a gamble.

The natural or holistic approach has been growing in popularity as an alternative to clinical solutions for hair loss. While the methods vary for every approach, most make use of herbs, supplements, and self-therapy. The results have spanned everything from full regrowth to minimal.

The pros of this approach are that it is inexpensive, free of side effects, and can be done in your home. The cons are a lack of FDA approval, less scientific evidence, and inconsistence results. Results variance is most likely caused by the many differing methods the fall under the banner of “holistic”.

Magic Pills And Miracle Tonics

While the above section represents the most common remedies and approaches for treating hair loss, there are many who are trying to make a place for themselves in the hair loss industries. An internet search will bring you hundreds or “cures” from all over the world professing to regrow hair. While their efficacy may or may not be proven, some hair loss sufferers may try anything and everything to resolve hair loss.

The Options Of Tomorrow

There is promise of a cure for hair loss within the next ten years. With today’s technology and the race for the patent, it is likely that the cure for hair loss will be on the market by the year 2020 (maybe sooner). The cure will likely be a clinical cure based on stem cell technology. Recent studies on mice suggest that hair can be regrown permanently on areas that have been bald for years.

RepliCel is one such company that is feverishly working at developing this technology for use on human subjects. There are other firms based in the U.S. and Europe that are developing their own cure for hair loss using a similar approach. This likely means that the permanent cure for hair loss is less than ten years away, assuming that this new technology is able to pass clinical trials and attain FDA status.

What Can You Do Today?

Every hair loss sufferer should be excited about what the future hold for baldness. In this day and age, discoveries are being made that just twenty years ago would have been deemed inconceivable. These discoveries may prove to put an end to this embarrassing condition and spare future generations from having to endure hair loss.

Since the future is something we all have to wait for, what can you do today in your situation with respect to hair loss? The best move in my humble opinion would be to research the options that are available that will at the very least press the pause button on your hair loss until these technologies become available. This will ensure you can keep what you have and prevent further hair loss.

When looking for the right treatment, consider cost and health risks, but also consider if you believe in the solution. Put your faith in a treatment you believe will work. For some the treatment may be clinical. For others the treatment may be natural. The important thing is that the treatment mirrors your beliefs about how your hair loss should be treated.

Samuel Reed is a hair loss survivor and the author of Hair Reborn: The Holistic Approach For Natural Hair Regrowth available in print and digital formats on 

Hair Reborn in Digital From Amazon Kindle  

Hair Reborn In Print From Amazon

To learn more about reversing hair loss naturally visit:

Hair Reborn Book Official Website